Gay bar song meme

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'Dick' agreed, went away, and came back with 2 or 3 options. The day before I flew back out to Detroit, I spoke to the band on the phone, asking the lead singer ('Dick Valentine') to write an extra verse as I felt the song needed to build momentum - the whole track was ridiculously short too coming in at around 1min30secs. The tempo was set, the drops and returns were mapped. The band I went into a rehearsal room (I can't recall if it was in Detroit or London) and fleshed out the arrangement of song. I had just watched far too many Japanese/Kaiju films. I recall describing it visually like Godzilla stomping over a hill and smashing up the city. I kid you not! My pitch to the band was to make it a fast, rip-roaring, rock-fest, mosh-pit anthem. Somewhere in the vaults is also a SNES (Super Nintendo) computer game version. 'Gay Bar' started out as jazz-lounge-bar arrangement, complete with 'swing' rhythm. This was the 2nd recording and also became the 2nd single to be released from their debut album 'Fire' (via XL Recordings UK). During 2002 & early 2003 I produced and mixed a rock band from Detroit called Electric Six (formerly known as The Wild Bunch).

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